• 社会文化理论探索
• 社会文化理论视角下的二语/外语教学实践
• 计算机中介交流下的二语习得/教学
• 学习者个体差异对二语习得/教学的影响
• 对外汉语教学
• 外语教师发展
• 其他SLA研究相关问题
论文要求:有意参会者请于 2020 年 5 月 1 日前提交与会议主题、议题相关的中英文论文摘要(中文500字内,英文300单词内),并附上论文题目、作者姓名、工作单位、职称、通讯地址与邮编、联系电话、邮箱等信息,通过电子邮件发到论坛邮箱。组委会将尽快审定摘要并寄发正式会议邀请函。会议相关信息介绍及更新敬请浏览网站/
联系电话:郭老师 0532-86058135
Sociocultural Theory (SCT) emphasizes the pivotal role that socioculture and human interaction play in the development of human cognitive function. Research on Second Language Acquisition (SLA) from the sociocultural perspective has gained increasing attention. In order to promote exchanges in this field, Shandong University of Science and Technology is to organize “The 3rd International Conference of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Teaching” in Qingdao. Its theme is “Theories and Praxises: Second/ Foreign Language Teaching from the Sociocultural Perspective”. Leading scholars in SLA are to be invited to present keynote speeches; researchers and practitioners are welcomed to contribute research papers on any of the sub-themes.
Theme: Theories and Praxises: Second/Foreign Language Teaching from the Sociocultural Perspective
Proposals submitted to the conference should fall into, but are not limited to, the following themes:
• Probes into SCT
• Praxises: second/foreign language teaching from the sociocultural perspective
• Computer-mediated SLA/teaching
• Impact of individual differences on SLA/teaching
• Teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages
• Foreign language teacher development
• Other SLA-related research
Date: May 22 - 24, 2020
Venue: Qingdao, China (Shandong University of Science and Technology)
Proposal submissions:
Word limits:
1. Chinese abstract: 500 words
2. English abstract: 300 words
Email address for proposal submissions: skdwy0532@163.com
Deadline for proposals: May 1st, 2020
Conference fees:
The conference fee is RMB 900 for general participants, and RMB 450 for student participants. Transportation and accommodation are not included in the charged fees.
Please refer to the website / for related information and updates on the conference, and please contact at 86 532 86058135 (phone) for questions regarding the practicalities of the proposal submissions.
Organizer: Shandong University of Science and Technology
China Second Language Acquisition Association
East Asia SCT Group
Host: Shandong University of Science and Technology